Ordinary Conclusions

Defining the Ordinary Citizen-Part VI

(Follow the full series under the Defining the Ordinary Citizen category.)

Defining the Ordinary Citizen might be impossible.  It likely means different things to different people.  I’ve talked about the frustration, disappointment, ideas and voices of the Ordinary Citizen.  All of these aspects are important to the definition, but it is incomplete nonetheless. So far, this series contains my thoughts, my opinions.  And I admit… it’s lacking.

Defining the Ordinary Citizen is not an entry in a dictionary.  It’s a journey. It’s about taking action.  It’s about changing our communities, our states, our nation and our world for the better.  It extends beyond Tea Parties and politics.  We all are figuring out what it means to be Ordinary Citizens. Many of us will show the rest how to be extraordinary along the way.

In these uncertain times, the Ordinary Citizen is more important than ever.  Please join me on this journey of definition.  Feel free to share your opinions on this blog.

The tale of the Ordinary Citizen is not complete.  It’s being rewritten daily.  By you.

The Ordinary Citizen.

  • Welcome!

    I believe that we desperately need to hear the stories of Ordinary Citizens who make a difference in our lives, our communities and our world.

    Why not be Ordinary?

    Why not make a difference?

    Why not be Ordinary AND make a difference?

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