Murphy’s First Campaign Ad – FAIL

Recently I came across Congressman Scott Murphy’s first 2010 campaign advertisement on TV.  It left me shaking my head and chuckling.  I also found it posted on YouTube by ScottMurphy2010.  Take a few seconds and check it out:

Ok, he’s got a big family.  I wouldn’t relish shopping for their Christmas presents.  Frankly, though, I don’t see how family size plays into whether or not any candidate is the right person to represent New York’s 20th District.  So, let’s examine what Murphy says within the ad.

Here’s Murphy’s statement that first got my attention:

For starters, sometimes they eat too much.  Just like Congress spending money.

But, wait.  Mr. Murphy, aren’t you one of those in Congress who’s been voting to spend money like it’s going out of style?


To get anything done, you’ve got to be tough.  And ignore all the talk.

Really?  Initially there was a vote against the healthcare reform bill.  Later, when the pressure was cranked up by Democrat leaders… that vote changed to a “yes.”  Mr. Murphy, did you “ignore all the talk” then, or did you cave to pressure?  Truthfully, and I’m not being sarcastic here, I’m not sure.


I approve this message because I know about Washington.  I’m going to teach them they have to pay attention to us.

And then he’s tagged “out.”  Kind of ironic, huh.

Mr. Murphy, it looks like you’ve got a wonderful family.  I really do admire your dedication to your family.  However, this political advertisement is a failure.

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